beed @ 10

When I quit my job as Group President of Tara Management and Bhote Koshi Power Company after spending twenty years with the group, I did so to follow my inner call—to establish a management consulting and financial advisory firm that would extend its operations beyond Nepal. The firm was envisioned as a platform that would […]
Digital Detox: Exploring Mindfulness and Awareness

Gadgets have taken over our lives. E-habits have become so entrenched into our day to day lives, that people are known to face withdrawal and distress on being cut off from gadgets and internet. Personally I was keen to figure out a way to get Digitally Detoxed and spend time without gadgets. Challenging myself, I […]
Management Lessons from 2015

All Nepali’s want to forget the year 2015. The earthquake in April caused unprecedented human and economic loss, and the crisis resulting from the blockade since September has further compounded the damage. While everyone has been caught up in dealing with the after effects, with the New Year fast approaching it is now time to […]
After Modi

One of the best things about the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi’s visit was how Nepal trended on Twitter and other social media sites for positive reasons. It is very rare to remember an occasion where Nepal has been discussed positively, and Nepalis themselves have taken things positively. If one thing that PM Modi did […]
Leadership in Nepali Context

Whenever we talk about leadership in Nepal, the immediate image that comes to mind is of politicians, who make promises but never deliver. The discourse of leadership in Nepal has been judged not by performance, but by the number of titles one carries on one’s business card, or the number of sycophants that hang out […]